RHEL 5 Mounting RAW devices

I Hope this is a simple question.

What is the best practice to mount RAW drives on RHEL 5. I have found a couple of approaches but i’m not sure what the correct one is as i have found references to some being depreciated.

As an aside, i would also need to know how to assign ownership rights as they shouldn’t be owned by root if its included in the mounting process.


Using sysconfig/rawdevices is considered deprecated in RHEL5, use the udev method.
As for ownership, use the following in /etc/udev/rules.d/60-raw.rules:

ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="raw*", OWNER=="root", GROUP=="disk", MODE=="0660"

Also, try checking out the following article

Source : Link , Question Author : OilyRag , Answer Author : katriel

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