Restore edge/epub association AND behavior AND icon

I could not have epub files open by edge back. I tried to associate the program %windir%\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftEdge.exe but edge just would not lauch (nothing happens).

I restored the recommended files association, and had pdf and html files open by edge. I saw that in the registry there is this:


I created a custom key for epub files:


But in that case, I get a pdf icon for the epub files, and edge does open but it will only download the epub, it won’t open the content the way it does it with pdf files.

How can I restore 1) the proper epub association, 2) edge behavior and 2) file icon ?


Sorry, but Microsoft declared EDGE will no longer be able to show EPUB files, so when they get the KB4522355 patch into your system to kill that ability, it’s gone forever. As Microsoft stated, other EPUB reader apps are available, including the Open Source fbReader, as well as 12 others in the Microsoft Store.

Source : Link , Question Author : Soleil , Answer Author : K7AAY

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