Resolve a contradictory conflict in /etc tree (mercurial-based etckeeper)

I have an /etc file tree which is managed by etckeeper, based on Mercurial.
After running apt-get dist-upgrade, I want to revision the changes which have been applied by the upgrade.

However, when doing

hg add $(hg status . --unknown --no-status)

I get this conflict:

abort: file 'php5/apache2/conf.d' in dirstate clashes with 'php5/apache2/conf.d/05-opcache.ini'

hg status php5/apache2/conf.d

gives me:

! php5/apache2/conf.d
? php5/apache2/conf.d/05-opcache.ini
? php5/apache2/conf.d/10-pdo.ini
? php5/apache2/conf.d/20-json.ini
? php5/apache2/conf.d/20-readline.ini

This looks contradictory to me: If the directory php5/apache2/conf.d would be missing, how could it contain new (unversioned) files?!

How can I resolve this conflict?

(Debian Linux, upgraded 7.11 to 8.5; Mercurial 3.4.2)


It seems the missing (/etc/)php5/apache2/conf.d was a symlink which was replaced by a directory.

I put the directory in a tar archive, just to be safe, and tried hg revert php5/apache2/conf.d, which yielded (German version; sorry, I forgot to repeat with LANG=C):

Abbruch: Konnte symbolische Verknüpfung auf '../conf.d' nicht erzeugen: File exists: '/etc/php5/apach2e/conf.d'

If hg revert tries to create a symbolic link, I assume the missing resource was a symlink. This little dance did the trick (twice – for php5/apache2 and php5/cli):

mv conf.d conf.d-tmp
hg rm conf.d
hg commit conf.d -m 'Conflict resolution, part 1'
mv conf.d-tmp conf.d
hg commit conf.d -m 'Conflict resolution, part 2'

After doing this I was able to add all remaining “unknown” resources, and to remove all remaining “deleted” resources:

hg add $(hg status -un)
hg rm $(hg status -dn)

Source : Link , Question Author : Tobias , Answer Author : Tobias

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