Resize ntfs system partitions with GParted?

Trying to resize 2 ntfs system and boot partitions (windows 2003 server) using GParted. Goal:

  • Resize D: (/dev/sda1) to ~850G – this is the boot drive with D:\ntldr, boot.ini, etc.
  • Resize C: (/dev/sda5) to 100G – this is the system drive with C:\windows

Tried resizing /dev/sda5 first and got the chkdsk error shown in screenshot #2. (You must run chkdsk /f). Have already run chkdsk /f on C: multiple times with no bad sectors or errors found. Have also run multiple chkdsk /f’s on the underlying hard disk multiple times and rebooted way more than a couple times with the same error.

  1. How do you force gparted to ignore this error and resize? I found there is –force option to ntfsresize but don’t know how to get the GParted ISO live CD to use it.

  2. How do you move the unallocated space so an extra ~750G is to the right of /dev/sda1 (D:), and an extra 10G to the right of /dev/sda5 (C:)


gparted chkdsk


In answer to your second question: while you can resize partitions, you cannot move them. The start of a filesystem cannot be changed. So if you want to add 10 GiB after drive C: D:, you’ll need to delete drive D: C: and recreate it in the proper location. Second, you should delete your extended partition sda2 and recreate it to fill the remainder of the space. Otherwise, you’ll be restricted by the boundary at the end of sda2; you can’t make a partition cross that border.

Also… if the check keeps failing, it may point to a bad disk.

Source : Link , Question Author : ane , Answer Author : Michael Lowman

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