Rename subfolder directories Windows 2008 R2

Just trying to work out a way to rename some sub folders and could do with some help.

Basically, When our staff write documentation for a proposal, they create a folder with the project name. When they win the proposal and it becomes a project, the copy the proposal folder into the newly created project folder (which is on a different network drive) See example below:

—B100020.01 – Project 1
—-B10020.001 – Original Proposal
—B100022.01 – Project 2
—-B10022.001 – Original Proposal

What I would like to do is systematically rename the proposal folder underneath the new project folder to _Proposal.

—B100020.01 – Project 1
—B100022.01 – Project 2

The problem we are having is that the proposal and project folder names can be upwards of 100 characters and we are having file length issues with the server.

Now I know there are tools out there for batch renaming but I cannot find anything that will look at a certain folder level and look down to the next level and rename.

Any ideas?


To expand on my comment ‘Script it’:


# Be in ...\site\project
# Get a list of all the folders (B100020.01, B100020.02, ...)
# Then go into ech of those and get a list of all the folders (B10020.001 - Original Proposal...)
# Store them in a list called $props
$props = (gci | ?{$_.psiscontainer} | gci | ?{$_.psiscontainer} )

# Now go through every folder 
# check if they have 'proposal' in the name, and if so rename them to '_proposal'
foreach ($foldr in $props) { if ($folder.Name.ToLower().Contains('proposal')) { Rename-Item -path $foldr.fullname -newname '_proposal' } }

(Warning, functionality not guaranteed, use for ideas only).

Source : Link , Question Author : leepryor , Answer Author : TessellatingHeckler

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