Recovering broken VMDK image

we had a disk failure on our VM host (VMWare ESXI 5.1).

We’ve managed to get some of the data off but some of the file we couldn’t get as it kept on causing the disk to crash.

I have file like MyServer-000001.vmdk and MyServer-000002.vmdk and so on but I don’t have the MyServer.vmdk or MyServer-flat.vmdk files.

I am assuming the MyServer-0000001.vmdk files are snapshots disks. Is there a way I can tell the VM to use these VMDK’s files instead as when I select it and try to power on the server it says that it couldn’t find the disk image or the required snapshots.

If possible we really need to be able to recover this VM.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


I was in a similar situation myself about 4 months ago. You’re hosed. Sorry.

Without the base disk (MyServer.vmdk) there is nothing you can do.

Thankfully I was able to pull out backups for most of the data, but the remaining data cost us almost $20,000 and 4 weeks to get back.

Chalk this up to a learning experience.

Source : Link , Question Author : Boardy , Answer Author : Mark Henderson

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