proper user and group configuration for eclipse android jenkins

On ubuntu 10.0.4
Did sudo su
Then installed eclipse in /root/eclipse (only wget and unzip, no apt-get)
Then installed android sdk in /root/android-sdk-linux_x86 (only wget and unzip, no apt-get)
Run with gksudo /root/eclipse/eclipse &
No issues. Development working fine.

Then installed jenkins in /var/lib/jenkins (using apt-get)

Now when I use jenkins “Execute shell” option and call shell scripts,
I get permissions issues like for example:
/root/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/android: Permission denied
Cannot find /root/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/ant/pre_setup.xml

How do I configure users and groups in this kind of scenario,
so that I can run scripts from jenkins (running as the jenkins user) ?


install everything into jenkins’s home directory instead of root.

Source : Link , Question Author : user27465 , Answer Author : silviud

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