Process ntoskrnl.exe CPU usage jumps from 1% to over 40% precisely when using I/O

the problem occurs with the following system.

Device: Lenovo Ideapad 730S – Windows version: 10.0.18362 Build 18362

So ntoskrnl.exe is running just fine as long as all the USB-C ports are left free. The exact moment I plug in my charger into one of the ports (doesn’t matter which one I choose), ntoskrnl.exe starts using up about 40-50% of the CPU.

I’ve tried some basic troubleshooting (restart, checking for driver updates), and also the following after some research:

  1. RestoreHealth via DISM
  2. Windows Memory Diagnostic Run (no errors)

The problem is very bizarre to me as I couldn’t find anyone who had the exact same problem with ntoskrnl.exe, so I’d be very grateful for some help. Of course I’m happy to provide more details if necessary.


Problem disappeared. I guess RestoreHealth helped after all.

Source : Link , Question Author : ivo-1 , Answer Author : ivo-1

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