Preventing a read-write first automount after adding a VHDX onto a CentOS7 HyperV VM

I have a VHDX file (representing a non-boot ext4 fs) that I need to run some forensics on.

I have a working CentOS7 HyperV VM on a Win2012R2 host.

I want to attach the VHDX to the CentOS7 VM, which I know how to do.

What I don’t know how to do exactly is to tell CentOS 7 that, when it boots up, if it sees the new IDE device that the VHDX file will become in its VM, not to try mounting it read-write (or at all, preferably.) Is there an /etc/fstab line that force either read-only mounting or to not try mounting at all?

Motivation: Since the VHDX is huge, making a backup of it is time-consuming, so I just want to get it right from the beginning, and not accidentally modify any of the data (especially if the ext4 is corrupted) before I analyze it with foremost.


Source : Link , Question Author : Kev , Answer Author : Community

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