Prevent server from accessing network share

I have built a test environment I want to isolate from my production servers.

As part of this I want to prevent my new server from accessing file/network shares on production. For example prevent it from accessing \\MyProdServer

I updated my host file with MyProdServer

However this doesn’t work I can still access the files. I do not have firewall available nor do I want to edit my production server in anyway.


Well, there are many ways to skin this cat. The most obvious way would be to have tight deployment practices and never allow credentials for the production server to get deployed to the test environment.

Second option – create egress rules on the test environment’s firewall that blocks all traffic to the production server.

Honestly, if you’re that concerned about this, the two environments really should be on separate networks, separated by appropriate network ACLs.

Source : Link , Question Author : Daveo , Answer Author : EEAA

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