Phusion Passenger fails to compile on CentOS

I’m trying to install Phusion passenger (aka mod_rails) for the default Apache2 install on a CentOS 5.9 box. I successfully installed the gem using the following, sudo gem install passenger but when I go to run the next command, sudo passenger-install-apache2-module I get a warning stating that my system doesn’t have enough memory, but I can continue with the install. It then proceeds to begin the compile of Phusion Passenger but then fails.

Is there a place I can check to see specifically why the compile is failing?


The reason Phusion Passenger would not compile was due to lack of memory on the VPS. I ended up creating a VM on my local machine, and installing all the same components, then compiling passenger on the VM, finally transferring the passenger gem to the VPS.

Source : Link , Question Author : ipatch , Answer Author : ipatch

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