Permanently merge objects into one object (Adobe Illustrator)

In Adobe Illustrator, I have a file that has many dots lined up closely, so that it looks like they form a line. The “.ai” file is very large (55MB). To reduce file size, is there a way to permanently merge the dots that are lined up, so that they are one object?

Note that I am aware of the following options, which I am explicitly not looking for:

  1. group them,
  2. Turn them into a compound path,
  3. Manually replace the dots for a line.

The first two options do not work for me, because they do not reduce the file size. The third option does not work for me, because I have many such separate ‘lines of dots’, so it would be too laborious to replace them all.

Selecting each of the lines of dots separately and then somehow converting them into one object may be doable, however.

In short, to reduce file size, how can I permanently and irreversibly merge objects into one, please? Thank you.


Option 1: Rasterize

You lose edit ability, but this will reduce file size cost the most. You can try making pixel perfect and using the same dpi as your intended output for your final illustration to reduce blurring.

Option 2: Create a Symbol

Select your dot line and, in the symbol panel, click the new button. This keeps editability but, by itself, won’t reduce file size. Once you have created your symbol double click to isolate it then select its contents and apply a rasterize filter… same rules as above.

Why do you need the rasterize filter? How does adding more instructions reduce file size? I have no idea but it works. Someone at Adobe was on some serious shrooms when they developed the .ai file format.

Source : Link , Question Author : Sylvia Rodriguez , Answer Author : Cliff Armstrong

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