Passing Command Line Args to `open` on Mac

I am using the open command from the Terminal to open an app bundle and would like to pass a command line argument through to the underlying executable.

Is this possible with the open command?

The reason I am using the open command at all here is that it doesn’t tie up a Terminal window to support the launched process. Are there alternate ways to do this other than the open command ?

More Information:

The application I am looking to run is an open source visualization program (Paraview) which I have compiled myself. I know that the basic executable does indeed take command line args. The executable itself is located inside the app bundle


As per $man open, you might be successful with $open --args argument1

Of course, you could always just run the executable directly and follow your command with an ampersand—that’ll background it.

$/path/to/ argument &

Source : Link , Question Author : dtlussier , Answer Author : NReilingh

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