Parsing error after copying new policy files to central store

A few months ago we upgrade our DCs from 2008 to 2008 R2.

Two weeks ago I saw that I didn’t copy the new admx/adml files to the central store.

Because I want to use the new policies, I copied all local files from one of the DC’s %windir%\PolicyDefinitions to the central store.

Today I opened rsop.msc on one of the member servers and got a “parsing error”:

Administrative Templates
Encountered an error while parsing.
Expected one of the Following possible element(s), < text >,
< decimalTextBox >, < textBox >, < checkBox >, < comboBox >,
< dropdownList >, < listBox >, but Found < multiTextBox > instead.
\\\sysvol\contoso. . . TerminalServer-Server.adml, line 198, column 60

Administrative Templates
Encountered an error while parsing.
Encountered an unknown error while parsing (error = 0x87400001): -2025848831 (0x87400001)
\\\sysvol\conto. . . \Terminalserver-Server.admx, line 9, column 41

After restore of the old admx/adml it worked without problems.
Any ideas, whats wrong with the new admx/adml Templates?

Update 16.01.2012
Could it be possible that the old “2008 SP2” Terminal Servers cannot work with the new (Remote Desktop Services) policies implemented with “2008 R2”?


See as it explains the reason. Was the member server Windows Server 2008?

Source : Link , Question Author : Psymon , Answer Author : maweeras

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