overheating and shutdown problems when adobe flash runs?

I’m a new user of UBUNTU and using a Dell latitude D630. When I browse to site that have some flash animation (mostly advertisements), the temperature of cores increase dramatically (I check with sensors, in the worse case it was 104C for one core and 93 for the other core) and if I don’t close the website it will shutdown the laptop. Do you have any suggestion or solution for that?

PS: as an example for crashing sites you can see “tabnak.ir”, a news website with lots of ads.


There’s nothing you can do except complain to everyone you meet. Adobe pretends the problem does not exist. They blame websites for having settings incorrectly set.

Who in their right mind develops software that intentionally allows developers to set their software in a way that causes overheating. Even the beta version of Flash Player 11.5 continues to have the problem. It happens in Windows as well; it happens in IE9, Chrome and Firefox.

It would be nice if there was somewhere that everybody being affected by this problem could jointly protest Adobe’s irresponsibility.

More info on the subject: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4753975#4753975

Also, install a program that shows your computer temp and pause Flash until the temp starts. It’s a temporary help but at least in avoids having the computer shutdown or worse a fire.

Source : Link , Question Author : hamid , Answer Author : Richard

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