Oracle Weblogic 10.3.5 Cluster creation issues

I’m trying to create a two node cluster with Oracle Weblogic 10.3.5. During the “Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard” setup process, I’m not sure what to put in for the “Cluster Address” if I choose “unicast” cluster messaging mode.

Also the second node resides on another machine. How do I go about creating and adding the node on the remote machine to this cluster? Thanks.


The “ClusterAddress” should be Hostname and port number of the two nodes separated by a comma.

for ex: Localhost:8001,localhost:8003

If want to add a remote node into the cluster, you would need to create a machine , start a node manager on the remote physical machine, enroll the nodemananger. Then you would need to create a managed node with the remote server hostname.

You can follow the below link for creating a distributed cluster setup.

Source : Link , Question Author : user6123723 , Answer Author : Anandraj

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