No Internet on Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak with BT

Apparently, whatever it is that they’ve done with the DNS is now making it completely impossible to connect to the Internet. Granted, I don’t know my way around the network configuration too well, and this will be down to BT blocking DNS servers that aren’t theirs, but it would have been nice to have made it so I could turn it off.
So far I have tried setting my IP to static with a DNS of, and also used dynamic with that server as an additional to no avail. I have also tried turning off dnsmasq from the network manager config, but I didn’t expect that to do anything.

I really do hope someone can help me with a work around that doesn’t involve me downgrading back to 16.04. And changing my provider is a bit out of the question.

I will have hopefully attached an image, I’m having to use my phone to post this and the image upload system doesn’t seem to work very well. But if not, whenever I try to access a website a bright blue image pops up, courtesy of BT Home Hub, that states:
“You are seeing this page because you are using a BT service which requires the use of BT DNS Servers and it appears that you are attempting to connect using a DNS server outside of our network.”
Please note that I have Parental Controls and Web Protect turned off.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. And maybe if it becomes a common problem, a bug report can be submitted.


Source : Link , Question Author : Alek , Answer Author : Community

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