No builder returned for name: vagrant error

I just want to provision a standard Ubuntu 12.04 image with a shell script, and then package it so I can use it with Vagrant. This is the configuration I wrote:

  "builders": [{
        "type": "vagrant",
        "iso_url": "",
        "iso_checksum": "2cbe868812a871242cdcdd8f2fd6feb9",
        "iso_checksum_type": "md5"

    "provisioners": [{
        "type": "shell",
        "script": ""

    "post-processors": ["vagrant"]

Unfortunately ‘packer validate packer.json’ throws me the following error: ‘No builder returned for name: vagrant

How do I solve this?


The builder “type” needs to be a valid Packer builder value. There is no vagrant builder. Are you trying to create a standalone box that is not using VirtualBox, VMWare or Amazon?

This page provides more builder information:

Source : Link , Question Author : Hyperfocus , Answer Author : slm

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