Nginx Gunicorn not serving requests to external ip

I have develop a python flask project which is run on linux server. I’m trying to develop it on my linux server. After much effort on this. I have configured nginx, gunicorn and my application. My nginx sites-available file like that:

server {
        listen 80;
        server_name x.x.x.x;

        location / {
                proxy_pass http://unix:/home/myuser/myproject/myproject.sock;


My project run as service with some configuration. x.x.x.x is my external ip. And my local ip is 192.168.y.z. In my project I have /append, /predict and some other urls.
When I send a request to http://192.168.y.z/append it works. But when I send a request via http://x.x.x.x/append it doesn’t work. The firewall is not active.
I tried it also like:


But it’s not working still.

What is the problem in here? Can anybody help me? Local ip is ok but it’s not serving on external ip.


Source : Link , Question Author : fordev , Answer Author : Community

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