Negative aspects of hiding file extensions in Windows

At my company we work with a lot PDF files. We rename them often; hundreds of pdf files a week and almost all of them have to be renamed.

I have always configured windows to show file extensions. However with Windows XP, pressing F2 to rename a file requires you to account for the extension. You either have to retype the extension when you are retyping the filename or re-select the portion of the files name without the .extension. With the amount of files we rename, you can see how this wastes a lot of time

I’m considering hiding file extensions, are there any negative consequences?

I know the obvious reasons like funnypic.jpg.exe would only show up as funnypic.jpg. But if a user is going to click on that file they’re going to do it no matter what the extension is.


I feel your pain, and it’s for that exact reason that I turned Extensions off, and I’ve never run into any problems. In fact, doing phone support is much easier, because you don’t need to bother with telling the person to re-type the extension.

Vista and Windows 7 automatically deselect the extension when pressing F2, but that’s a bit like hitting a thumbtack with a sledgehammer.

Source : Link , Question Author : David Steven , Answer Author : Mark Henderson

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