Need advice on Windows Server 2003 security for website use [closed]

I hope some really cool experts can share their knowledge with me.

We have a dedicated server to host our online store

  1. Runs SQL 2005
  2. No uploading by web viewers, strictly to sell goods
  3. Server hosts a secure payment page for credit card processing. We don’t store card data
  4. Subsequently, Server needs to be PCI-compliant
  5. No mail server function or FTP
  6. Server not connected to any other servers or PC


  1. Do I need anti-virus, firewall or other software?
  2. If yes, can anyone recommend one?
  3. How do I backup server?
  4. In addition, I have a programmer who has user account in the server. How do I setup security policy so that he does not take away company data in database? He tweaks DB code every now and then.

Thanks a lot for the time and for every kind soul who attempted to answer these questions. Merry Christmas


Do I need anti-virus, firewall or other software?


If yes, can anyone recommend one?

No. that is a shopping question.

How do I backup server?

Seriously? You run a backup program like ntbackup or something else you buy saveing the results to some form of remote/removeable media. The are entire books on this subject.

In addition, I have a programmer who has user account in the server. How do I setup security policy so that he does not take away company data in database? He tweaks DB code every now and then.

Setup a dev server for him. Don’t give him direct access to the production database.

Source : Link , Question Author : Joseph Burnett , Answer Author :
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