NAP solutions for windows network

I am looking for a NAP solution for a network.
Either an Appliance or software to run on a windows server.
I have played with windows server 2008 r2 NAP but i dont think this is going to be a good solution.
I want to basically force users that connect to the wired and wireless network to go through a self check process that will check for AV, firewall, windows updates etc.

Also something that transfer users to a remediation network to be able to conform to the Access Policy.

any suggestions from anyone that has a solution in place?



Have you considered using Cisco NAC Appliance? You can do posture-validation/end-device-health assessment/remediation on a wired/wireless/VPN environment without requiring a 802.1x deployment as a pre-requisite.

Depending on your topology, brand of switches and brand and “style” of wireless infrastructure (autonomous APs versus centralized) you may need one or more appliances.

Cisco NAC Appliance

Source : Link , Question Author : JohnyV , Answer Author : jliendo

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