Naemon still sending DOWN notifications for removed host

I shutdown an old web server, and immediately started receiving DOWN notifications from Naemon.

Now I have removed that host entirely from the Naemon config, and restarted the Naemon service. Yet I continue to receive DOWN notifications every hour.

How do I stop these?

The whole Naemon configuration is almost 2000 lines, so much too long to include here; the virtually default naemon.cfg is over 1000 lines itself.

Is there some parameter(s) causing a host to be saved in some cache? I can find the host listed in /var/lib/naemon/status.dat


This thread and post solved the problem for me:

There is no “hidden cache” or parameter for it; the config 100% defines which hosts/services are checked.

The problem was that Naemon wasn’t shutting down properly for some unknown reason. I had been using systemctl restart naemon — and even systemctl stop naemon followed by systemctl start naemon across all of our Naemon nodes.

But just now when I checked with ps -ef | grep naemon after shutting down Naemon I saw that there were still process running. I killed them with kill -9 <parent pid>, and started Naemon again. No more DOWN notifications!

Source : Link , Question Author : Colin ‘t Hart , Answer Author : Colin ‘t Hart

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