MySQL memory leak?

I’ve just installed a brand new server image, and have been finding that MySQL has been consuming a lot of memory despite the fact that nobody’s been querying it. I checked free -m to see if it was a matter of cache (à la, but it wouldn’t appear to be. I’ve tried restarting the service, and the same amount of memory is used. I am running Ubuntu 12.04. Is this a memory leak? How can I fix this?

# free -m
enter image description here

# htop
enter image description here

# ps aux
enter image description here


First: If after a restart of a service, the same amount of memory is used, a memory leak can be ruled out because this results in “loss” of memory over time due to programming bugs where memory isn’t freed correctly.

Second: What is your problem? You have a tiny server with 256 MB of RAM, 182 MB of which is still usable. Should you be worried about the “VIRT” number: This has nothing to do with the real amount of memory used, it’s a number that includes a lof of stuff, much of which has nothing to do with real memory. Please read man top to learn what the numbers mean before starting to worry.

Source : Link , Question Author : Joseph Szymborski , Answer Author : Sven

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