Multiple Users accessing IMAP mailboxes

I have what I think an unusual setup, I have a few mailboxes setup, orders, info and qa. These mailboxes are setup to allow IMAP, I then have at least 4 users having constant Outlook access to these IMAP mailboxes (qa has 8 users). Also all these users are accessing these IMAP boxes internally.

I want a different method of multiple users accessing these mailboxes preferably not using IMAP. I’m open to suggestions as this would have to be put forward to the board for approval.

I know I have been very brief so ask me if you want me to elaborate on anything in particular.


You’ve got 2 options:

  • Setup public folders for each of
    the mailboxes and have mail delivered
    in there
  • Setup another exchange
    user, deliver mail there and share
    folders with other users

Source : Link , Question Author : stead1984 , Answer Author : rmyates

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