Minecraft / Ubuntu blank screen

I am pretty new to Linux world.
I try to get Minecraft working on my son’s PC.
I have Lubuntu 16.04 and when I start Minecraft (11.1.2), all I got is a blank screen. I can hear the sound/music but that’s it.

I have read many forums/discussions on the subject and tried various things since one month.

  • I have uninstall the open java version, I had installed previously, because I read this might be the source of the problem.

  • I have install the Oracle/Sun java version 6 instead, but screen remains blank.

  • I have also tried with Oracle/Sun Java 7. Same thing.

  • I have completely removed Minecraft (also the ~/.Minecraft directory) and re-installed it (using apt-get).

  • I have checked the graphic drivers: I have an old Dell d600 (thus Lubuntu), with an AMD Radeon graphic chip; drivers seem up to date.

I am running out of idea right now.
Any help on that will be more than welcomed.


Source : Link , Question Author : TntRom , Answer Author : Community

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