Microsoft Terminal Server blocks flash content

I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise server running, where users are unable to use sites such as YouSendIt to transfer large files out of their own organization.

The server also runs Internet Explorer 9, with the latest Flash installed.

The flash element used is loaded (I can right click and select the About Flash option), but it is unable to load the file uploading tool it self. I suspect it’s a permissions issue, but I am not sure what permission this is related to. I am able to load sites such as YouTube without any problems, and the official flash website can load flash content and tells me it is installed and working as it should.

I’ve attempted adding the site Trusted Sites in IE, I have also lowered the security settings, allowed ActiveX components as well.


Perhaps a silly question, but are you certain you are using the 32 bit version of IE? The 64 bit version is severely lacking.

The 64 bit version of IE doesn’t run most browser plugins. The 64 bit version does not use the newer faster javascript engine.

Source : Link , Question Author : Clorith , Answer Author : Zoredache

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