messed up my boot/efi, couldn’t boot into anything, now boot repair is not working either

i “accidentally” messed up the boot/efi folder when i was trying to replace it with one i had copied earlier(stupid I know)

When i rebooted the computer i could not boot into ubuntu 14.04 nor windows 7, asking me to insert boot media.

So now i’m trying to use boot repair, but it gives me this: “The boot of your pc is in legacy mode. Please change it to EFI mode.”

I am not entirely sure what this means in my case since my computer should be running in UEFI mode, but frankly i’m pretty confused right now.

All of this was done by me in a sleep deprived stressful state, so please don’t blame me to much, i would be very thankful if anyone could give me some pointers! 🙂


You have to go into the bios to enable uefi. Hit delete or f12 or something to get into the bios. From there you’ll need to find the setting to enable UEFI.

Source : Link , Question Author : OJunker , Answer Author : mttdbrd

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