Looking to add a background inside logo, but not outside

logo with transparent interior and background

I have the blue background offset so you can see the logo in transparent. Essentially I want the inside of the wheel and text to be blue, but I do not want any of the blue on the outside of the logo.

I am not a graphic artist so I did some research and started to tinker with creating a blue square for the background and sending it to the back. Then I tinkered with the pathfinder as well as clipping masks to get the desired effect. No go. Again, I am very amateur so any advice on how to do this is welcome. I feel for someone who knows what they are doing that this would b e an easy task.

The image below is what I am going for except I would like the blue inside the triangular sections inside the wheel as well.

desired outcome


I’m sorry if I’ve missed something (I work in Raster illustration programs way more often then I do in Vector design ones), but what is stopping you from simply placing a layer below everything, using the magic wand tool (or something equivalent) to select the triangle section, and filling the selection with blue?

That’s how I would do it.

Source : Link , Question Author : Elysian Web Design , Answer Author : Jannette Lovely

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