Loading a project from a virtual machine into Eclipse

Here is the setup – I have a server with the svn repositories containing projects. I have a virtual machine on my Vista computer running FreeBSD acting as a server to test projects locally. Projects are checkedout/committed/updated from the virtual machine.

I wish to be able to modify the checked out project on my Vista machine using Eclipse. Am I able to load the file system from the virtual machine? Here a subversion plugin is not useful as the virtual machine will be doing the committing to the main server.

Any possible solutions? Thanks


It’s considered a bad idea to share a working copy between different platforms, and I have run into problems with it. So I would advise against using Samba to access your working copy.

It’s perfectly valid to have multiple working copies of the same repository, so the best solution would be to host your svn repositories on a single machine (like your current windows pc), by running a server to share them, for example svnserve (since Apache would be overkill).

The svn client in your VM can then checkout and commit to the svnserve server on the Windows host. The Eclipse client on your Windows host (with Subversive or Subclipse plugin) can also checkout and commit from the svnserve on localhost. Just run a simple Update before you start working on a different machine.

If you simple think of those two machines (the Windows host, and the VM) as two separate developers working on the same project it will make more sense.

Source : Link , Question Author : Community , Answer Author : Martijn Heemels

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