LAMP make website public [closed]


Hello all,
As the title describes i am trying to make my website public from a LAMP setup.
I trying but i am failing… so if you could give that extra push it would be much appreciated!
My setup:
-VMWARE 9.0.2
-Ubuntu server 12.10
-apache2 (2.2 i think?)

Standard stuff i guess. So where am i?
My website is accessible from LAN connections in where i have the phpinfo() function and in i have the it works!

I set up port forwarding on the router on port :80 with the VM’s local ip address checked if the port is on (OK).

Now i was thinking next step is to change the ports.conf file?


NameVirtualHost *:80
Listen *:80
<ifModule mod_ssl.c>
Listen 443

<ifModule mod_gnutls.c>
listen 443


NameVirtualHost My.IP.Add.ress:80
Listen My.IP.Add.ress:80
<ifModule mod_ssl.c>
Listen 443

<ifModule mod_gnutls.c>
listen 443

but then i should change the virtual host file of the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default to use the same IP and port right? thats when i get the following (after i restart or try to restart apache)

[Date] [error] (EAI 2) name or service unknown: failed to resolve server name for (check dns) or etc..
And then (99)Cannot assign requested address: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available shutting down.

I have put my internet ip address not the local ip.

Thats my stop
Thanks even for reading!

As it was suggested in the ubuntuforums i reseted the ports.conf and the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default to *:80 and checked if the port is open on

the port is open as the site suggests.
i changed the port.conf to *:80 and the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default –> to
but when i access my ipaddress:80 i get “Server requires username and password. the server says level_15_access

P.S ofc restarted apache


If your port forwarding is set up correctly, you shouldn’t need to adjust any settings on Apache.

I would revert the change you made to your Apache configuration and re-test. Try running ‘tcpdump’ on your VM to see if traffic is reaching it from the outside world.

If not, I would check your router configuration first.

Source : Link , Question Author : czioutas , Answer Author : Craig Watson

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