Kubernetes storage class for blob storage (AZURE storage account)

Can we use azure storage account: blob for storing EFK logs using persistent volume.
Ihv verified below article i didn’t see anything related to blob
please let me know if we can use blob for k8s storage clz


Not directly Azure blob storage is accessible via API’s rather than directly attached to a VM.

The K8s CSI (Container Storage Interface) is primarily there for disk or network attached storage. Aka something pretending to be a HDD/SSD or a network share, not something pretending to be a web page.

While you might be able to find something that uses a little of the VM’s disk space as a buffer as it proxies to the blob storage (in Linux there are FUSE drivers which can do this) the IO is through the floor.

If you’re talking logs you’re MUCH better off with something that understands the blob storage and ships the logs from the cluster to blob storage.

Source : Link , Question Author : Shiva , Answer Author : Timothy c

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