JVM Heap usage charts interpretation

I’d like to ask for some tips how should I concern different JAVA apps memory usage line charts. Should I find any of them as “memory leak”? How my JVM profiling impacts on GC activity?

Each of them shows selected application under different load intensity and characteristic.

Thank you in advance for any advice.

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server.
All apps run with

  • -server
  • -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote options.

Monitoring based on collectd and JMX. JVM heap memory used.

APP_2 : Xmx 750MB, Parallel GC with 2 thread(s)

enter image description here

  • no user requests
  • high-memory consume, aggregation jobs

APP_4 : Xmx 500MB, Mark Sweep Compact GC

enter image description here

  • almost zero activity
  • diagnostic tasks


Source : Link , Question Author : YasiuMaster , Answer Author : Community

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