Jboss SSL connection persistent

I have a Client code relying on Jboss 5.1 which uses self signed certificates for connecting to credit card servers over HTTPS. Certificate expired on 03-13-2015 9:55 AM and it got replaced the following day around 8:00 PM.

This is relatively simple fix but the strange one we noted is the we had certain number of requests (around 600) successfully passed to credit card servers between 03-13-2015 9:55 AM – 04-13-2015 9:55 AM and then none of the requests were successful since then until the fix for certificates were applied.

Did any one come across this scenario who can help me find the root cause of this ?


… Certificate expired on 03-13-2015 9:55 AM

.. successfully passed to credit card servers between 03-13-2015 9:55 AM – 04-13-2015 9:55 AM

The expiration of the servers certificate is checked against the local time on the client. The simplest explanation thus is that these clients had the clock on their system off by exactly one day.

Source : Link , Question Author : smhvrtyj , Answer Author : Community

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