Is there an option to minimize TweetDeck to tray?

Until today I used Twhirl, but I want to give TweetDeck a chance.

However, it seems that I can only either minimize it to the task bar or close it; both options aren’t ideal.

Is there an option to minimize TweetDeck to a tray icon?


Plenty of ways to skin this cat if the program doesn’t offer the feature ‘Minimize to Tray’:

TrayIt! will do the trick.

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TaskswitcherXP can also minimize any application to the system tray (but as the name implies, only works for XP)

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And then there is Pitaschio which can also ‘Minimize to Tray’. i’m using it to tray email clients and web browsers.

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Of course all these programs are free.

Source : Link , Question Author : Roee Adler , Answer Author : Gaff

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