Is there a good alternative to OneNote for doing math on a Windows Tablet? [closed]

tl;dr: Are there any programs for Windows Tablets that are much better than OneNote for math related work?

Anyone doing math related work on a daily basis knows how much you rely on handwritten notes.
Solving problems with math always is a mix of writing text, writing equations and drawing sketches.
Therefore digitizing this work is in my opinion only possible with software that uses pen input. (LaTeX is just not as productive)

I think OneNote is the most used program for this kind of work.
But OneNote has so many (little but important) flaws that make the experience of doing math on a tablet very unpleasent.
That said, not using a tablet is much worse, because of obvious reasons.

Is there any note-taking program (for Windows 10 or 11) optimized for pen input that doesn’t miss any major features or have major flaws?

Please don’t suggest software that you have not used extensively yourself in the context of math/problem solving, because even OneNote looks very promising. (until you have used it for a while) And please mention any minor flaws you have encountered with this program.


Source : Link , Question Author : Nico G. , Answer Author : Community

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