Is there a etckeeper equivalent for Windows? AKA Windows config revision-control

I want to make a central config file repository so that I can have the changes to any config under revision control (Mercurial). This will include some GNU/Linux boxes (which will use etckeeper), the network equipment’s config files, printer’s config files and last but not least, windows configs.

I know you can import some configurations like ISA’s and DHCPs as text/xml files and even shared folders as a registry key, but for stuff like GPOs and AD, IIS, MSSql and others, are there ways to get the configs as flat files? Basically, can you have something somewhat equivalent to etckeeper under windows? Something like some powershell based commands or the like?

Also, can ACLs and other file permissions be preserved under version control (hg)?

BTW, I’ve already read

to no avail.


Hold them packets!

This is a script provided by Michael J Ginter that creates a backup of all DHCP scopes on a server. (Note that it will stop and restart the DHCP Server Service.):

You can use LDIFDE to import and export data from AD:

GPOs can be exported with ADMX.exe (provided by microsoft at

IIS Config can be exported via iiscnfg.vbs in %systemroot%\system32

Source : Link , Question Author : Community , Answer Author : gWaldo

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