Is my CPU overheating?

I was advised to use ‘System Stability Test’ to check up on My CPU. But I’m not sure I understand the results so far! The program says the CPU is overheating but the average temps seem to be okay? I made a comparison with ‘HWMonitor’ Should I be worried with the results?
The CPU I’m using is i9-10900KF, air cooled with CoolerMaster MA410m.

System Stability Test and HWMonitor Test results:

System Stability Test and HWMonitor Test results


Google-based answer, I’m not a hardware expert

The absolute maximum temperature allowed in the datasheet of i9-10900KF (beyond which the CPU could potentially damage itself) is 100°C. So in normal operation it is supposed to stay well below that temperature (probably below ~90°C or so).

According to the screenshot, your CPU reached the maximum 100°C within the first minute of the test. That seems kind of bad and you should be worried.

The program says the CPU is overheating but the average temps seem to be okay?

It seems that this is only because after reaching the maximum allowed temp, the CPU automatically reduced (i.e. throttled) its speed to keep its temperature in control. Now it’s no longer overheating at ~70°C, but that doesn’t mean everything is fine – it shouldn’t have needed to do this, i.e. it shouldn’t have reached 90–100°C in the first place.

(I.e. if you keep having fires but the fire suppression system quickly deals with them, you aren’t going to say “but there’s no fire now so everything is fine”, are you.)

Source : Link , Question Author : Muhammad Diab , Answer Author : user1686

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