Intel Integrated graphics GDM leaves ghosts/leftovers (also in gnome shell)

I’m using an updated version of Arch linux, and get constant ghosts on GDM + Gnome Shell.

Here is an example:

enter image description here

I tried both modsetting and intel driver.

I tried DRI 3 and 2

I tried SNA and UXA

I tried the TearFree option

and also:

i915.enable_rc6=0 i915.enable_psr=0 i915.modset=0 intel.modset=0

And this unwanted behavior keeps showing.

I’ll be happy to get help on this one, thanks!


So currently the ghosts at GDM and Gnome-Shell stopped when i commented out:

# /etc/environment

As described here: … nd_crashes

Apparently it was a Wayland vs X11 issue.

Source : Link , Question Author : Shai Efrati , Answer Author : Shai Efrati

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