Installing multiple versions of sun java

I have a need to maintain different versions of a certain product written in java, and uses sun’s jdk to build. Some older versions of the product need an older jdk (1.5) and the newer ones need jdk 1.6. So, my question is how can I install (and maintain) multiple versions of sun’s jdk. I don’t want openjdk, icedtea or whatever else, but different versions of sun’s jdk itself.

I ask this as I’ve seen I have the commands python, python2.6 accessible. If I install another python version, I get it as python2.7 although the python command doesn’t point to it. This is exactly the kind of setup I need with java. But anything close also works.

Thank you.


Yes. you can. Check this article.

Hope this helps.

Source : Link , Question Author : Shrikant Sharat , Answer Author : aneeshep

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