Installed Ubuntu Mate 16.04 over an Antergos install, missing /home

I had an Antergos install utilizing a second hdd as my /home folder and now decided to switch to Ubuntu Mate.

Installed Ubuntu 16.04 (Mate version 1.12.1), and during setup, choose to replace the /, /boot, and swap directories and formatted them, but selected to use the same partition for /home but did NOT format.

Used the same username and password and after install, Mate’s file manager shows just empty default folders.

HOWEVER – the partition is “missing” 394 GB; the size of my previous /home folder. (partition shows as 1 TB, 606 GB free.)

Is there a way to recover my files? It certainly looks like they must still be there but for some reason Mate doesn’t “see” them.

ls from within /home shows:

ls from within /myusername gives:
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Source : Link , Question Author : Fyrhtu , Answer Author : Community

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