Install .Net 2.0 on Windows 10 1809 failed

I have 4 identical computers with fresh install of Windows 10 1809 pro x64 french, workgroup, no antivirus, no WSUS. The first were cloned 3 times, i made a sysprep after each clone.

I want to install a software (don’t matted which software is) but block at prerequisite check : .Net Framework 2.0 not installed.

I check the checkbox on Additional features : “.Net 2.0 3.0 3.5…“, install using Windows Update, seems success.

After a reboot, the software refuses to install, same reason.

In Additional features, .Net2/3/3.5 is now checked. So I uncheck and apply.
I got error 0x80004005. .Net2/3/3.5 still checked.

In HKLM/Software/Microsoft/.NETFramework/ i have version v2.0…. + v4.0… only, not “v3.0”.

In the folder C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64, it seems all versions are here.

Using DISM /enable-feature /featurename:Netfx3 (/online, using original ISO…) => success (about 5 sec); but DISM /disable-feature /featurename:Netfx3 => error 0x80004005, same as GUI. Didn’t found relevant info in DISM.log.

SFC /scannow => no error found

DISM /checkhealth => no error found

Using original online or offline setup of .Net 2.0 or 3.5 => Windows 10 ask “install prerequisites” or “ignore“.

  • Install prerequisites immediately return “success, may restart the program…“.
  • Ignore do nothing.

In eventviewer, each time i use DISM command, i get :

  • System restore” error 0x80070422
  • Windows Error Reporting” information about CBS Package Servicing failure on Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package, but P6=80004005 : Same error as DISM.

DISM /get-features lists a lot of things, NetFX3 “activated”, no trace of Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package.


  • Windows: 10.0.17763.437
  • DISM: 10.0.17763.1
  • CBS(?): 10.0.17763.402

Any help appreciated


Source : Link , Question Author : Baud , Answer Author : Community

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