Install Neo4j via Maven

Neo4j says I can install Neo4j via Maven by adding it to my build:


But do I need a build?
If so, what should my pom.xml look like?

I tried with this:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

But then I end up with:

[ERROR] Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in:
[ERROR] /opt/local/java/sun6/../lib/tools.jar

I have installed sun-jdk6-6.0.26 and set JAVA_HOME to /opt/local/java/sun6.


I solved as follows:

  1. Go to directory: /opt/local/java
  2. Execute “sudo ln -s sun6/lib/”
  3. To verify execute “sudo ls -ld lib”

Now your Maven command will run without problem.
Good luck!

Source : Link , Question Author : webjay , Answer Author : Alan Camillo

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