IIS has arithmetic overflow when viewing worker processes

Using IIS v7.5.7600 and clicking on ‘Worker Processes’ I get this error pop up:

There was an error while performing this operation.

Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.

This is on Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1 run by a well-known hosting company.

If I run appcmd list config on the command line there are no complaints, suggesting the applicationHost.config file is valid.

Could the ‘arithmetic’ perhaps refer to calculating values to display in these columns:
Screenshot of IIS Worker Processes display, taken from a different machine

I’d rather not have to reinstall IIS as we have several live ASP.NET and ColdFusion websites, all working correctly, and we’d like to avoid downtime. But equally, I’d like to use the Worker Processes feature to investigate a problem (possibly hackers).

Perhaps there is a way to fix it without switching it off for too long?


In the absence of a known answer, with evidence, I am forced to conclude I am probably suffering from the ColdFusion bug logged at https://www.elliottsprehn.com/cfbugs/bugs/82203 which states that…

Closed Bug 82203 (Connector Installer (wsconfig.jar)) Submitted By:
Ankur Srivastava on Tue Feb 23 2010

On Windows 2008 64 bit , IIS 7 and CF 9 64 bit.

The performance counters dialog box under server manager (of windows
2008)is fully populated prior to the CF installation. Also, the worker
processes are listed just fine with no error.

after installing CF 9 and didnot make connector with IIS 7 under in
IIS manager > Worker Processes throws the error :

“There was an error while performing this operation. Arithmetic
operation resulted in an overflow.”

And in Server Manager > Diagnostics >Monitoring Tools > Performance
Monitor > click ADD , performance counters dialog box is empty after
CF installation.

Product: ColdFusion 9.0

Source : Link , Question Author : MerlinMags , Answer Author : MerlinMags

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