IIS 7 and dynamic 404 error

I have set a 404.asp page on my iis 7 yesterday and on this page beside some chacking i had at the end if anything was false i had:

response.status "404 Not Found"
response.AddHeader "location", domain & "/notfound"

it worked for an hour and then stoped working. on webs that checks the header status i get 404 not found and the addheader is there but no redirection is actualy happaning

what can i do to fix that?


I assume that “domain” is defined previously in the script?

Any chance that you set this using IIS Manager and then did a code push which overwrote your web.config file? If it worked for an hour, it seems like something was working at one point and that it’s a later change that caused it to break.

Source : Link , Question Author : Y.G.J , Answer Author : Scott Forsyth – MVP

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