Idiots Guide to Setting Up Myth TV?

I want to build a MythTV back end. I don’t want to compile things if I can help it, and I’d like to know what hardware will work with the cable system in the US. Are there any guides to building a MythTV box? I’ve found several but they all appear to be three or so years out of date and I have no clue how Linux hardware support has changed since then.


For what it’s worth, here is a page from my personal wiki that describes two MythTV builds: one that was commissioned by a friend of mine, and one I did for myself. The page is annotated with my thought processes, problems that I ran across (and how I solved them), etc. I also have linked from that page a presentation I gave to our local Linux Users Group on this topic. Perhaps you’ll find it helpful.

DIY Media Center PC

EDIT: I’d also like to second the recommendation made earlier for Mythbuntu. That’s the distro I ended up going with, and the setup was simple and relatively painless.

Source : Link , Question Author : Jared , Answer Author : Donald Burr

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