I want a user to run bash scripts with sudo [closed]

So this is for a school assignment. I have a working Bind9 and Apache2 server.
I’ve written 3 scripts that make appropriate changes to the configuration files

  • DNS add zone
  • DNS add record
  • HTTP add vhost

They are stored in /etc/scripts. These scripts are editable by root.
The user check needs them to run with sudo so this should work.

check@dennis:~$ bash /etc/scripts/dns_add_record

But I get Permission denied.

The permissions of the scripts are the following:

-rwsr-xr-x  1 root root 1875 Jan  3 03:31 dns_add_record.sh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 2103 Jan  3 03:53 dns_add_zone.sh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 1276 Jan  3 04:45 http_add_vhost.sh

I’ve added this rule to /etc/sudoers:

check   ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD:       /etc/scripts/dns_add_zone.sh

Am I looking over something?


You need to type sudo and then the command. So:

sudo bash pathtothescripts

Right now you are just executing them with the check user, not using sudo.

Source : Link , Question Author : Dnice , Answer Author : StoutPanda

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