I need a TSE (The Semware Editor) replacement for Windows / Linux / OS X / Solaris (one to edit them all)

My text and programmers editor of choice, when working on a windows box is TSE (The Semware Editor). It is small, it is fast, it is configurabel, and since I’ve used it (and it’s predecessor QEdit) for over twenty years, my fingers can do the editing on autopilot, while the brain is busy with syntax and design.

Do you know of a similar editor preferably one that runs on Windows, Linux and OS X (and Solaris ..)

I’ve tried to use VIM (I know how to use VI even longer thant TSE) but it doesn’t feel right.


I don’t believe you’ll find a clone of The Semware Editor, and especially not on all three operating systems.

Your best bet would be to find a customizable text editor available on the three operating systems, and customize it to emulate The Semware Editor as closely as possible. This would probably be a very hard and long job. I would really advise you to find and get used to a new text editor.

One candidate would be XEmacs (although it does require Cygwin under Windows):

XEmacs is a highly customizable open
source text editor and application
development system. It is protected
under the GNU Public License and
related to other versions of Emacs, in
particular GNU Emacs. Its emphasis is
on modern graphical user interface
support and an open software
development model, similar to Linux.
XEmacs has an active development
community numbering in the hundreds,
and runs on Windows 95 and NT, Linux
and nearly every other version of Unix
in existence. Support for XEmacs has
been supplied by Sun Microsystems,
University of Illinois, Lucid,
ETL/Electrotechnical Laboratory,
Amdahl Corporation, BeOpen, and
others, as well as the unpaid time of
a great number of individual

Source : Link , Question Author : lexu , Answer Author : harrymc

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