How to use the ALT key in a Virtual Box guest session?

I’m running a Virtualbox session of Windows XP (guest) from a Sabayon GNU/Linux system (host).

I’m doing projects with Adobe Illustrator CS2 and some of the functionallity is accessed with left mouse click and the ALT key.

But it seems the ALT key is not forwarded to the guest system.


I’ve found a lot of forum threads and bug reports on the internet describing the same behaviour. But no workaround works or it seems no real good solution has been found/implemented yet.

Is there any solution for that? I really need that key for a lot of commands!


5chdn’s solution is too cumbersome.
Instead of Alt, use Win+Alt in guest and you’re done.

For example, to use Rubymine’s multiple caret mode, original shortcut is Alt+click, which becomes Win+Alt+click. Easy peasy.

Source : Link , Question Author : Afr , Answer Author : summer.breeze

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