How to Triforce on /b/ on ubuntu

How can you type three triangles in the shape of a triangle? So a ascii art of the Triforce from Zelda using the triangle symbol.

/b/ is a image board on 4chan. Text on this image board is edited by an automatic system which removes all preleading spaces. This makes ascii art quite difficult to achieve. There is a trick to it using a special space char. The alt code to get this space char in windows is Alt + 255 and the alt code to get the triangle in windows is Alt + 30.

What are the keyboard shortcuts to get these symbols on Ubuntu and how can I get them to work on 4chan?


To get a triangle, type Ctrl + Shift + u, then type 25b2, then press Enter

To get the space, type Ctrl + Shift + u, then type a0, then press Enter

Edit: To answer the comment below:

Ctrl + Shift + u, then type a0, Ctrl + Shift + u, then type a0, type Ctrl + Shift + u, then type 25b2, then press Enter.

type Ctrl + Shift + u, then type 25b2, type Ctrl + Shift + u, then type a0, type Ctrl + Shift + u, then type 25b2

You’ll get something like this

▲ ▲

Alternatively you can enable compose keys to create these symbols with ease without remembering these annoying keyboard number-letter combinations.

Open GEdit and insert the following:

include "/usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose"

<Multi_key>     <t>     <r>     <i> : "▲"   U25B2   # Triangle

Save this as .XCompose (case sensitive) in your home directory.

Open your keyboard settings (system settings → keyboard settings) and go to the shortcuts tab.
Under the “typing” section you’ll find a “Compose Key” setting. Set this to your compose key (I advice right alt)

Compose Key setting

Log out and log back in.
For the non-breaking space press Compose Keyspacespace.
For the triangle char press Compose Keytri

If it isn’t working add

export GTK_IM_MODULE="xim"

to the end of ~/.profile.
If xim isn’t working for you you’ll have have to install uim (sudo apt-get install uim) and replace the xim in ~/.profile with uim.

Congratulations you are now triforcing like a pro.

Source : Link , Question Author : PhoenixPerson , Answer Author : Community

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